Women’s Day was celebrated at St Lawrence Church, Bondel in a unique way on the occasion of ‘International Women’s Day

The Celebration began with a Thanksgiving Mass at 7 a.m. celebrated by Principal of St Lawrence English Medium School Rev Fr. Peter Gonsalves.

There was a get together at 9.a.m  in the St Lawrence English Medium Hall. A seminar on My Health Is in My Hands”  Related Health Issues’  was Organised as part of the programme. The programme began with a prayer  song led by the members of  Women’s Association. Mrs Avitha  Mascarenhas welcomed the gathering.  Members offered flower bouquets to the guests on the dais. .Mrs. Irene Dias Secretary  presented the annual report of the association 

Rev Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza-Parish Priest presided over the inaugural programme. The inauguration was done in a creative way. The dignitaries on dais  placed the icons of the Virtues of a woman  around a  stand upon which the lamp was placed. 

Rev Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza-Parish Priest of St. Lawrence Church. Rev Fr. Lancy D’Souza-Assistant Parish Priest, Sr Lavina  UMI, Miss Reshell R Fernandes -,  Mr John D’Silva  Vice President, Parish Pastrol council, Mr Santhosh Misquith –Secretary Parsih Pastrol council ,Mrs Avitha Mascarenhas  President  , Mrs Irene Dias , Secretary  Ladies Association were on the dais

 In his Presidential Address, Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza  highlighted the role of women  as pillars of both the family and society. In modern times along with the family responsibility women have ben registering their presence in various fields of social and economic activities. Hence, their responsibilities have doubled and they have proved themselves by their dedication and hard work. God has given a big heart to women. It would be better if men also join in the celebration of the International Women’s Day so that they can understand the problems faced by women and share the burden of the women in their families in a meaningful way. He further said that women should take Mother Mary as their model and work for the betterment of their families, society and nation.

Mrs  Rina  Maria D’Souza, Miss Irene D’Cunha, Mrs Mildred D’Souza, and  Mrs Lynette D’Sa were honoured and felicitated for sacrificing  their career for their family. 

As a gesture from the women’s association, five school children of St. Lawrence English Medium School were given Rs. 5,000 each, a school bag, and books. Medical help was given to Baby Sweedle Lobo, a special child who is not able to walk and needs the support of a walker. She was given Rs. 25000 as her medical help.

 Mrs. Veronica Pais introduced Miss Rishell R Fernandez , the resource person of the day.

 On this special occasion, Miss Rishell Fernandez  addressed the gathering on the importance of ‘Health’. She said that Health is Wealth and therefore if one is healthy then one can do anything and even achieve one’s goal in life. Further she said highlighting the important role of women in today’s society, that women are the ones who build the families by sacrificing their self for the others in the family. Presentation Slides on Healthy Eating  Motivating healthy eating was presented by her. 

 The formal function was followed by a variety entertainment programme presented by Members like songs & Dance. Prizes were distributed to the winners .

Mr Mohiuddin Bava gave a flying visit to the Programme  escorted by his team members. In his address, he said, ” International Women’s Day has put the spotlight on issues affecting women all over the world. Today, International Women’s Day belongs to anyone who believes that women’s rights are human rights that must be respected in all aspects of life. 

 Mrs. Cecilia D’Cunha  rendered the vote of thanks. Programme was compered by Mrs. Anitha Concesso.