Reported By : Richard Dsouza

Udupi : Most Rev Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese, ordained two deacons Dn Pradeep Cardoza and Dn Leo Praveen D’souza for the Udupi Diocese as Priests at Milagres Cathedral Kallianpur, first ordination ceremony held after the installation of Udupi Diocese in the Diocesan Cathedral on 3rd May, 2022.
The ordination ceremony began with procession of the priests along with deacons, Bishop from the Milagres Tri-centenary Hall towards Milagres Cathedral which was supported by the brass band of Kolalgiri. The ordination ceremony was held in the presence of parents of newly ordained priests, a large number of priests from Udupi, Mangalore and Chickmagalur dioceses. The Cathedral with floral decoration was well prepared to host the dual ordination ceremony.
Meanwhile, Rev Fr. Stephan D’Souza who acted as the Master of the ceremonies in his introductory remarks explained the significance of the ceremony.
The ordination ceremony began with Deacon Pradeep Cardoza and Deacon Leo Praveen D’souza ascending the altar from the congregation, Rev Fr. Dr. Ronald Serrao, Rector of St. Joseph’s Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore where Deacons Pradeep Cardoza and Leo Praveen D’souza had undergone the training for priesthood presented him to the Bishop saying that both deacons had fulfilled all conditions necessary to be ordained.
Accepting the candidacy of Deacons Pradeep and Leio Praveen to be ordained a priest, the Bishop addressing them pointed out the status and responsibilities of a prelist in the Church.
Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo in his homily said that a priest is the one chosen by God from among the people to serve them and lead them to Christ. The Bishop gave examples from Old and New Testaments to show how God chose humble persons to be His messengers on earth. Priest is the person of God and Priest is the person chosen for the people who love God and to be a Holy person. He is grown with the shadow of God and he is greater than anyone. The priest should be a man of deep and intense interior life and prayer. He should be holy in order to help the people of God to be holy.
The Bishop said Priest is chosen among the people who is also nearer to God and the people. Priest should be a person of prayer and he is Holy. He has able to take leadership among the people who do the mission of Christ. The priest is called to be a witness to the truth and the minister of the God who is revealed In Christ, as the way, the truth and the life.
Thereafter the Bishop asked a few questions to both deacons regarding the responsibilities of priests to which the latter answered in affirmative. Both deacons Pradeep and Leo Praveen pledged their obedience to the Bishop as their superior.
Following the preliminaries, Deacons Pradeep and Leo Praveen prostrated in front of the main altar as the choir sang the “Litany of Saints’ ‘. Soon after the litany, the Bishop placed his palms on the head of Deacon Pradeep and Deacon Leo Pradeep and prayed for their grace of the Holy Spirit on them. All the participating priests one by one placed their palms on the head of deacons and prayed for the same.
Soon after, as the symbol of priesthood, Deacons wore the priestly vestments with the help of Rev Fr. Anil Prakash Castalino and other priests. Thereafter, the Bishop anointed the hands of both separately one by one and later handed over to them the paten on which the host is kept and chalice symbolizing the priestly responsibility to offer the Eucharistic Mass.
Having completed these rituals, Deacon Pradeep and Deacon Leo Praveen came to be designated as Rev Fr. Pradeep and Rev Fr. Leo Praveen and the Bishop offered them the kiss of peace. Similarly all the priests offered the sign of peace to both ordained priests.
Having ordained priests, Fr. Pradeep and Fr. Leo Praveen joined the Bishop and other priests in concelebrating of the rest of the Eucharist mass, first by receiving offertory gifts brought by the family members and relatives and hereafter by assisting the chief celebrant, the Bishop. At the end of the Mass, the general blessing by the Bishop, the newly ordained Fr. Pradeep and Fr Leo Praveen also gave their maiden priestly blessing to the congregation.
At the end, the Rector of Cathedral Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca announced next felicitation ceremonies at the Milagres Tri-centenary Hall. The entire aura of celebration was enhanced through the melodious singing by the choir well trained by Rector Fr. Valerian Mendonca.
In front of the hall, along with the Bishop and priests, both the ordained priests posed for group pictures. Both the ordained priests also posed pictures with the Bishop and their parents separately.
The solemn church rituals were followed by a grand felicitation function organized in the parish hall. The church choir sang a welcome song prior to the welcome address by Chancellor of Udupi diocese, Very Rev Fr. Stany B. Lobo. Following, Rev Dr. Anil Prakash Castelino, parish priest of Kolalgiri church gave a profile of both the new ordained priests.
During the occasion both the newly ordained priests were felicitated by the Bishop and other priests on the dais. Meanwhile, Bishop was felicitated by both the newly ordained priests. Rector of Jeppu Seminary Very Rev. Fr Ronald Serrao also spoke to newly ordained priests and wished them.
Bishop Gerald at the end spoke to ordained priests and thanked their parents for dedicating their son’s to the service of God and His people. He thanked all concerned for the ordination ceremony held with grand manner.
In his reply to the felicitation programme, on behalf of Leo Praveen D’Souza, Pradeep Cardoza thanked all concerned. At the end, Cathedral Rector, Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca proposed a vote of thanks. Rev Fr. Steevan Fernandes, Asst. Parish Priest of Mount Rosary Church compared the felicitation programme brilliantly. Fr. Leo Praveen D’souza is from Arva Parish of Mangalore Diocese and Fr. Pradeep Cardoza from Hirabail of Chickmagalur Diocese who are the priests of Udupi Diocese.