The Education Commission of the Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province organised a seminar for its Kindergarten facilitators on National Curriculum at Foundational level (NCF) on Saturday, March 11, 2023 at Mount Carmel Central School, Mangaluru. The program commenced invoking God’s blessings by Ladyhill preparatory school teachers. The LKG children of Mount Carmel welcomed the gathering with a graceful dance. Principal Sr Melissa welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person Mr Som Shubhra K from Mumbai.
The seminar was inaugurated by illuminating the lamp by Sr Maria Sudeepa AC, Secretary of the Apostolic Carmel Educational Society, Mr Som Shubgra K and Mr Chethan from Orient Blackswan Publications, Sr Ida Barboza, the coordinator of Education Commission, Sr Carissima, the administrator and principal Sr Melissa.
The resource person Mr Som Shubgra K began the session briefing about National Curriculum in the New Education Policy. He mentioned all the stages of education and specifically highlighted the foundational stage, i.e 3+2 for the age group 4 to 8 years. He emphasised learning should take place through the play way method where the facilitators believe in the ability of the child to learn by themselves. This was supported by a few activities. He further spoke on the aims of NEP 2020, namely health, safety and nutrition, motor skills, hygiene, communication with the prime care giver, peer relationship, sitting tolerance, ethical development and forming all-round good habits.
Post snacks, he discussed the goals: Foundational Literacy and Numeracy supported by age appropriate strategies, belongingness to the Indian traditions encouraged by play way method and the crucial role played by families and communities in the life of every child.
He further brought to light the main domains of work: physical and motor, cognitive, socio-emotional-ethical, cultural/artistic with special regard to communication and early language, literacy and numeracy.
He spoke on foundational language and literacy which plays an important part in the holistic development of a child. He urged the facilitators to encourage communication through drama and role play. At the end of it, he touched on the five steps of learning process namely: adhithi (introduction), bhodh (conceptual understanding), abhyas (practice), prayog (application) and prasar (expansion).
Then, teachers of Carmel School, Mangaluru presented a few creative and interesting ways of narrating stories. The teachers of the host school conducted a game on numeracy which matched the play way method of the seminar and the teachers of St Agnes Preparatory School, Bendore demonstrated the correct way to teach the letters of the alphabet.
The seminar was sponsored by Orient Blackswan Publications and Mr. Chethan, the Area Sales Manager was present. Teacher Dayonara of the host school compeered the programme and teacher Iona from St Cecily’s Preparatory School, Udupi delivered the vote of thanks.
The seminar ended with the feeling “We welcome NEP”. One could hear nothing but discussion on NEP at the fellowship lunch. The teachers left the venue with confidence and determination to implement NEP at the foundational level.