Reported by :Richard D’Souza

Udupi : Our Lady of Miracles Cathedral of Udupi diocese celebrated its annual feast with tradition and fervor on Wednesday, January 19, 2022.
After the distribution of candles to sponsors by the Rector of the Cathedral Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca, the Solemn Eucharist celebrations began at 10.30 am. Rev Fr. Fred Mascarenhas parish feast of Padukone church near Kundapur and former Principal of Milagres College concelebrated the solemn mass along with deanery priest, parishioner priest and other guest priest.
In his homily, Fr. Fred Mascarenhas said that since 340 years, the faith for Our Lady of Milagres is still alive and the faith of the people on Mother Mary remains. Our Lady of Miracles is a strong shelter of our life. Mother Mary is the perfect icon of faith and model of faith, he said.
The life of families should follow the life of Mary. Through Mother Mary we will build our family. We should live with the love of Jesus which is possible to live a better life. Mother Mary is pre-eminent faithful to her Lord and her Son. Mother Mary is a role model to a good spiritual family as well. Pope Francis during his speech on January 5th said that the family needs with sufficient family members and should keep away the love towards pets in the human family and need to share love with sufficient own children. Let us turn to Mary and ask her to help us live with faith in our families and to recognize Christ in our family life, he said.
The choir enhanced the solemnity of annual parish feast mass by singing melodious hymns supported by keyboard players.
Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca, Rector of the Cathedral at the end of the mass conveyed annual feast greetings to all parishioners and expressed gratitude to Rev Fr. Fred Mascarenhas for concelebrating the solemn mass and delivering meaningful homily. He expressed gratitude to Rev Fr. Joy Andrade Asst. parish priest, two convents nuns, choir team, seven educational institutions heads’, parish pastoral council Vice president, Secretary, pastoral commissions coordinator, parish pastoral council members and all concerned. Fr. Fred Mascarenhas distributed decorated candles to main sponsors for the annual feast.
On behalf of attended priests, Rev Fr. Fred Mascarenhas gave gratitude to Fr.Valerian on the occasion and conveyed his wishes.
Due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and regulations, the annual feast celebrations are held in low-key manner. There were no stalls allowed in the church campus. Only one stall from ICYM/YCS is allowed in the Cathedral premises. However, a large number of non-Christian families joined in the church prayers during and after the mass.