St Joseph’s School, Bengaluru The First Inter School Fest Arcanum: ‘Beyond the Ordinary’

  1. The event was fun, but it also gave us the opportunity to cultivate a lot of skills that would benefit us later on. The event was fascinating all around! remarked Occulus participants Dhravin and Huzaifa.
  • As it was my first personality event, I felt a lot of anxiety. It’s created a high standard and inspired me to take part in more of these kinds of events. Will attend if Arcanum has a second edition!” declared Deshna, an Identity Theft participant.

  • We gained fantastic experience and exposure from this festival. Two of our event heads, Ishita and Sheana, stated, “We gained knowledge on how to plan events, work together, and develop team management abilities.
  • It improved our ability to communicate with strangers and taught us how to view the world from various angles. Another one of our event coordinators, Anyaa, added, “It also gave me the chance to make a lot of new friends.”