Kinnikambla: 103rdfoundation day of Bethany congregation was celebrated on 15th July 2023 at Rosa MysticaPU College with the great enthusiasm.The celebration started with the prayersong sung by the students. Students from 2ndcommerce presented a colourful cultural show and the first commerce students presented a small skit on girl education which was one of the core value of the Bethany congregation.The Principal sister Sadhana BS along with the staff members honored the father founder by offering flowers. Sr. Sadhana BS The Principal of Rosa MysticaPU college in her presidential address, She greeted students, lecturers and parents. Ms. Carmela Tauroand Mr. AmcilFernandesorganised the entire program. The program was hosted by Sumit from second commerce and welcomed by Vaishnavi from second commerce. Hanok from first commerce proposed the vote of thanks. By distributing sweets program winded up.