Milagres Central School celebrated International Yoga Day

Yoga, an ancient discipline, is one of the best practices you can
adopt for both physical and mental well-being. Milagres Central School
celebrated the 9 th annual International Yoga Day with the theme “One
Earth, One Family , One Future” on 21 st June 2023.
The programme began at 8.a.m. with the Prayer Song. International
Yoga Day 2023 was inaugurated by the School Principal , Rev.Fr.Joseph
Uday Fernandes, Physical Education Trainer Mr.Keshav Naik, and the
student representatives of grade 9 by lighting the lamp which signifies
purity, goodness, prosperity and wisdom.
The Principal Rev. Fr Joseph Uday Fernandes highlighted the
importance of yoga and the benefits it offers to the mind and body. He
expressed that yoga is the best practice for good health and wished all
the students a very happy International Yoga Day.
For students to practice the right way of yoga, the Physical Education
Trainer taught the students various Yoga asanas.
The programme concluded with vote of thanks delivered by Ms.Kavitha.
The programme was taken through by Ms.Priya Rodrigues.