Udupi : Palm Sunday to commemorate Christ’s entry into Jerusalem for the completion of Paschal Mystery observed at Milagres Cathedral of Udupi diocese near here on Sunday April 2, 2023 with utmost devotion and solemnity.
Prior to the beginning of the Palm Sunday service, volunteers led parish pastoral council members distributed palm leaves to the parishioners. At around 7.45 am, all parishioners gathered in front of Milagres Tri-centenary Hall where the ritual of blessing of the palms was conducted by Rector Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca along with Rev Fr. Joy Andrade, Asst parish priest, Very Rev Fr. Denzil Martin Superior of Pilar Fathers and Rev Fr. Nithesh D’Souza of Pilar Fathers.
Following a short prayer service and reading of the passage from the Gospel narrating the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, Fr Valerian Mendonca blessed the palms. Thereafter, the entire congregation went in procession led by altar servers towards the Cathedral.
The procession signifies the Jews’ welcoming of Jesus into Jerusalem. Following their example, we proclaim Jesus as Victor, “Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
The High Solemn Eucharistic Mass was con-celebrated by Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca along with Rev Fr. Denzil Martin, Rev Fr. Joy Andrade and Rev Fr. Nithesh D’Souza.
The long Passion Gospel was read by Rev Fr. Nithesh D’Souza, Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca and Rev Fr. Joy Andrade. Fr. Nithesh D’Souza read the narration, Fr Valerian Mendonca read the passages uttered by Jesus and Fr. Joy Andrade read the passages uttered by other characters in the Holy Gospel. All huge devotees listened tirelessly by standing all the way, enabling devotees as it were to be eyewitnesses of Christ’s Passion and Death, revealing his love “Unto Death”.
In his beautiful hard hitting homily, Fr Joy Andrade explained the significance of Palm Sunday.
At the end of the mass, Fr Valerian Mendonca announced the schedule of the services during the Holy Week which has been led by the Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo, Diocese of Udupi. The Maundy Thursday service starts from 6.30pm, Good Friday services will start from 4pm. The Easter Vigil service will begin from 7pm followed by Festal mass. Easter mass will be held on Sunday at 8m.