Reported By : Richard Dsouza
Udupi : Maundy Thursday was observed in Milagres Cathedral, Kallianpur of Udupi diocese with great devotion on Thursday, April 14, 2022. The day was also observed as the day of the Priest. The Holy Thursday also called Covenant Thursday was concelebrated by Most Rev Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese, along with Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca, Rector the Cathedral, Dean of Kallianpur Deanery, Rev Fr. Joy Andrade, Assistant Parish Priest and Rev Fr. Nithesh D’Souza, Vocational Promotor of Pilar Fathers, Kallianpur.
The evening liturgy started at 6.30pm which is the beginning of the three day celebrations of the Easter, signifies ‘Tridum’, remembering the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ and Resurrection to new life.
In his beautiful homily, Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo pointed out three importance of Holy Eucharist. When we receive the Eucharist, we build a closer relationship to Jesus. Eucharist is called the Sacrament of Love because it ties the love to one another. Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love. Love means sacrifice. God has given his Son to us. Jesus gave life to sinners and so truly Jesus showed us love towards each other. Love is mainly to Christians that Jesus showed love to his people. We must strive to kindle a great fire of love in our heart and reduce it to flames, by consideration of what he gives us, for with more than royal profusion, he gives us himself entirely. If the Passion and Death of our Lord were the effects of the infinite love he bore us, since he himself declared that greater love than this no man has, to give his life for his friend. Yet all this was necessary because Jesus died to appease the justice of his Father and to satisfy our sins.
Eucharist is the Sacrament of forgiveness. One of the greatest blessings and least known facts about the Eucharist is that in the reception of Holy Communion, persons’ venial sins are forgiven. The Eucharist is one which imparts the forgiveness of sins. Jesus made the Eucharist – forgiveness connection at the Last Supper when he took a cup of wine and said, This is my blood which will shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins. It is important to make a distinction when it comes to the forgiveness granted through the reception of the Eucharist. God has forgiven, like you forgive others. Then God will forgive you. Forgiveness is the one of Christian character, Bishop said.
Thirdly, the Bishop said the Holy Eucharist is a Sacrament of unity. The Eucharist unites the faithful more closely with Jesus and with one another. By receiving the Body and Blood of the Lord in the Holy Eucharist, we are taken up into a close union with Him and with one another. In this sacrament, the unity of all those who believe in Jesus is not only shown but is also accomplished. As our Lord draws us to Himself, He brings us closer to one another. The Eucharist unites us as God’s family, making the Church one. Thus, the Holy Eucharist, when received in faith and in the state of grace, brings about gradual changes within the hearts of Christ’s faithful. It transforms us and makes us more like Christ who dwells in us.
Since the Eucharist makes us one in Christ, it strengthens our love and respect for one another. Having been nourished by the Lord Himslef, we should with an active love, strive to eliminate all prejudices and obstacles to brotherly cooperation with others.
Following the homily Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo carried out the ritual of washing the feet of 12 faithful persons including gurkars and ward representatives in commemoration of Jesus washing the feet of apostles which symbolizes humility by Jesus Christ . The Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with Apostles and Jesus washing the foot’s of his disciples.
At the end, Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca placed some of the important announcements and gave gratitude to all concerned.
After the mass, the Holy Eucharist was taken in procession to the “Altar of Repose” which was specially prepared towards the right of the sufferings and crucifixion of Jesus.
Rev Fr. Joy Andrade conducted adoration of the Holy Eucharist very meaningfully.