Udupi : Maundy Thursday was observed in Milagres Cathedral, Kallianpur of Udupi diocese with great devotion and gaiety on Thursday, 6th April, 2023. The Holy Thursday also called Covenant Thursday was concelebrated by Most Rev Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese along with Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca, Rector of the Cathedral and Vicar of the parish, Rev Fr. Joy Andrade, Asst. parish priest, Very Rev Fr. Denzil Martin Superior and Vocational Director of Pilar Fathers, Kallianpur and Rev Fr. Nithesh D’Souza Vocational Promoter of Pilar Fathers, Kallianpur.
The evening liturgy started at 6.30pm is beginning of the three day celebrations of Easter which signifies Tridum, remembering the last supper, the Crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ and resurrection to new life.
In his homily Rev Fr. Nithesh D’Souza emphasized on the significance of Maundy Thursday and the last Supper of Christ during which Jesus constituted the priesthood of His Apostles and gave an example of service by washing the feet of the Apostles. He gave them a new commandment to serve and to love one another. Jesus is the Eucharist. Holy Thursday celebrates the institution of Eucharist as the true body and body of Jesus and institution of the sacrament of the priesthood. The last Supper of Jesus is an example of love for God. Through Eucharist, God completely loves us. Priest is the mediator between God and us. Priest is selected by God. To love God we need the priest to mediate and he is the gift of God to us.
Thereafter, Bishop Gerald carried out the ritual of washing the feet of 12 faithful laymen. The Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with Apostles and Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.
At the end, Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca placed some of the important announcements on the liturgy of Good Friday.
After the mass, the Holy Eucharist was placed on the altar of repose when Bishop, priests and altar servers proceeded in procession to the Altar of repose. The altar of repose is decorated with beautiful flowers and candle lights.
Rev Fr. Joy Andrade led the adoration prayers as soon as Holy Eucharist placed on the Alter of repose. It’s necessary to instruct the faithful on the meaning of the reposition. It is an austere solemn conservation of Body of Christ in the community of the faithful which takes part in the liturgy of Good Friday and for the viaticum of the confirmed. It is an invitation to silent and prolonged adoration of the wondrous sacrament instituted by Jesus on this day. On Good Friday, Way of the Cross will be held at the Cathedral at sharp 9am.
After midnight of Holy Thursday, the adoration should conclude without Solemnity since the day of the Lord’s Passion has already begun. Ms. Lerissa D’Souza compared the liturgy of Holy Thursday devotionally.