A lecture on “The Relevance of St Devasahayam and His Spirituality: An Inspiration for Lay Faithful of Our Times” was jointly organized by Chair in Christianity, Mangalore University and Commission for Lay Faithful, Mangalore Diocese on 23rd February 2023 at Sambhrama Hall, St Anthony’s Ashram, Jeppu-Mangalore. The speaker Rev. Dr Vincent B Wilson, Coordinator of Pastoral Commissions of Diocese of Kottar, Tamil Nadu narrated the life, socio-political background, context and mission of Devasahayam. He asserted that Devasahayam is a folk hero who identified himself with the oppressed class. The first Indian canonised lay martyr, opposed slavery and taxation in Tranvavore and considered all as children of God. He was ostracised by the people of higher caste and had to undergo many kinds of torture. The practice of secular spirituality made him a true witness of Christ. The speaker called the participants to critique the upper-class structure like Devasahayam, who inspires all to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
The Secretary of Commission for Lay faithful Rev. Fr J. B. Crasta welcomed the gathering and Retd Associate professor of Mathematics from St Aloysius college, Dr John D’Silva introduced the speaker and moderated the session. Br Jeevan Lobo compered the session. The program was coordinated by Rev. Fr J. B. Crasta and Fr Ivan D’Souza, the Head of the Chair in Christianity. The program was well attended by students residing at St Antony’s Ashram, the students of St Joseph’s Seminary, priests, religious sisters, lay faithful and interested public. There were around 230 participants for the program.