KATHAPATT – II (National Level Webinars on the writings of Wilfy Rebimbus)


May 1, 2021 : “We need to adapt according to the changing tides. Our childhood began with the television, our youth with computers and now our children are born in the internet age. Very soon we will enter the robotic age powered by artificial intelligence. The Konkani language also needs to adapt to this constant change” these were the words of Dr Ronald Colaco, entrepreneur and philanthropist, who inaugurated the second webinar series based on the short stories written by Wilfy Rebimbus. These five webinar series at the national level is a joint venture of the Akhil Bharatiya Konkani Parishad, Uzvadd fortnightly and Ashawadi Prakashan.

The digital inauguration took place on May 1, 2021 at 4:30 pm IST. There was a brief moment of pause for the souls of Konkani stalwarts, John Crasta, Lawrence Pinto and Prakash Padgaonkar. The diversity of Konkani language and Konkani culture was stressed by Shailendra Mehta, who compared the entire digital programme. Fr Royson Fernandes, who welcomed the gathering highlighted the fact that Wilfybab was not just a musician, but also a social worker and his literature highlights this. Valley Quadros of Ashawadi Prakashan narrated Wilfybab’s contribution to the Konkani world, emphasizing the five short stories which he had penned down in his lifetime.

Dr Jayanti Naik spoke about the importance of long stories, along with short stories which could serve as an example for budding writers today. H. M. Pernal spoke as to how literature, though written in the past can serve as an inspiration even in our present times. Gokhuldas Prabhu opined that new forms of literature keep emerging and Konkani is no exception to this. In contemporary times, this needs to be supported and spread. Fr Allywn Serrao spoke of his theatrical experiment with Konkani, using it as a means to spread awareness and love for Konkani. Veena Rebimbus Pais, daughter of late Wilfy spoke about how her desire to digitize Konkani literature of her father is now being fulfilled by Ashawadi Prakashan. Gaurish Vernekar shared his concern about the amount of work which needs to be done in the Konkani digital world. This venture is a good beginning and a model to all.

Dr. Austin Prabhu announced the first global Konkani literary context in honour of Wilfy Rebimbus and also appealed to all to participate in it wholeheartedly. The other chief guests Felix Lobo, Joseph Mathias, James Mendonca gave their messages and congratulated the team behind this great venture. Fr Michael Santumayor compared Wilfy Rebimbus to an ocean, of which each drop is of importance. Vincy Quadros of the Dalgado Konkani Academy spoke about the need to raise the standard of Konkani literature, especially in the field of short stories. Fr. Jason Pinto proposed the vote of thanks