06 May 2023 : 30 golden jubilarians gathered at Mother house for a 12 day renewal programme which commenced on 26 April. Reflective sessions on growing old gracefully by Fr William Sequeira SJ, Paschal Mystery of Founder and Bethany by Sr Mariette, pilgrimage to Rosa Mystica Grotto, sharing of spiritual experiences and a retreat led by Fr Theo OCD were means availed for rejuvenating and refreshing themselves to forge ahead more vibrantly during the years to come. Sr Santhosh Maria, the General Councillor was the programme coordinator.
The climax of the celebration was the Holy Eucharist celebrated by Most Rev Dr Henry D Souza, Bishop of Bellary and concelebrated by 17 priests. In his homily Bishop appealed to the jubilarians to live for Christ with an attitude of gratitude, after the example of St Paul who counted everything as rubbish for the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ his Lord.
The golden sisters were greeted followed by the Holy Mass. Sr Rose Celine, the Superior General herself being one of the golden jubilarians was felicitated By Sr Shanthi Priya, the Asst Superior General. Thereafter Sr Rose Celine felicitated the jubilarians to the accompaniment of citation and music, with garlands and flowers and a token of love. She called upon them to live for Christ with more enthusiasm. Jubilarians were complemented by her for having said their FIAT like Mary, for being missionaries like St Therese of Lisieux and contemplatives in action like Martha and Mary of Bethany during the past 50 years. Inviting them to spend more time at the feet of Jesus like Mary of Bethany, she appealed to them to grow in deep devotion to the Eucharist and Mother Mary taking the Founder as their model, accepting the declining years of their life with greater faith.
With the carving of the cake, to the rhythm of the jubilee song, with garlands and flowers, the representatives of the entire Congregation joined in applauding and complementing them on this memorable occasion. Sr Shanthi Flavia Menezes and Sr Reena Edel compered the programme.

News by: Sr Santhosh Maria BS, Bethany Generalate