Annual feast of Our Lady of Velanganni feast at Kamanabhavi, Chitradurga

Chitradurga, September 4 ,2023: Our Lady of Velanganni Sub Station of Holy Family Church, Chitradurga, celebrated its annual feast of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary on September 3rd.

August 31st was the flag hoisting done by Rev. Fr Richard Anil D’Souza, Dean of Holy Family Deanery and,Mission Director of Infant Jesus Church,  Challakere. 

September 1st & 2nd, Rev. Fr Pius D’Souza, Diocesan Youth Director of Diocese of Shimoga prepared spiritually through retreat and held confessions. He also led the healing prayers and Holy Eucharist. 

On September 3rd, Rev. Fr Franklin D’Souza, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Assumption Church, Hiriyur, Chitradurga District was the main celebrant of the feast. Festal celebrations began with Holy Rosary at 10am. Then Fr Franklin D’Souza celebrated Holy Eucharist at 10:30am. Parish Priest Rev. Fr Clarence Dias, Rev. Fr Stany Mariyappa,  Rev. Fr Lawrence SDB & Rev. Fr Stephen SDB concelebrated the Holy Eucharist. 

In his homily Fr Franklin D’Souza spoke on the Values of the family of Blessed Virgin Mary. He spoke on Joachim, Anne & Mary family, Zacharias, Elizabeth & John the Baptist family. He also spoke on Herod and Herodias who went against the family values. He invited faithful to follow the footsteps of Blessed Virgin Mary. He said that external beauty of the feast should radiate internal disposition. He said the greatest gift the we can give or offer is our heart which should be pure. Then he prayed a healing prayer for the faithful. 

After the Mass there was a decorated chariot procession by the faithful. 

Then Fr Franklin D’Souza led the adoration and prayed for the people. Which concluded with benediction. 

Cultural programmes were organised by the Sub station children. 

Parish Priest Fr Clarence Dias thanked the Donors as well as priests and religious. He also thanked everyone those who supported for the feast.

Meals was served for all those gathered.  Around 350 faithful participated in the festal celebration.