Society of St. Vincent de Paul of St. Lawrence Church Bondel  celebrated Senior Citizens’ Day on Sunday

Report: MSB, Photos:Mr Rony, News sent by:Stanty Bantval

Bondel, March 26 : Society of St. Vincent de Paul of St. Lawrence Church Bondel  celebrated Senior Citizens’ Day on Sunday March 26th  2023.

 The celebrations began with confessions’ in the church from 10.30 am. Rev Fr Xavier Gomes was the main celebrant Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza Parish Priest concelebrated the mass.

  Rev Fr Gomes  presided over the Eucharistic celebration and delivered the homily. 

Rev Gomes focused on Ministry of Jesus during his earthly life, Jesus was very active in his ministry of healing. He cured the blind, opened the ears of the deaf, and brought the dead back to life. The early Church Fathers gave our Lord the title of “the Divine Physician.. As we are growing in the kingdom of God, let us do good to others and be an example of what it means to be a good Christian. After the final blessings, the celebrant invoked a special prayer on all these elderly persons and then anointed them individually.

 Soon after the Mass, the cultural program began with a prayer song by the SVP members..

Rev Fr Gomes, Rev Fr Andrew Leo Dsouza-Parish Priest, Rev Fr Peter Gonsalves –Principal St Lawrence English Medium School, Rev Fr Lancy D’Souza-Asst PP, Rev Fr Melwin Pinto MSIJ, Mr John D’Silva-Vice President, Mr. Santhosh Misquith-Secretary Parish  Pastoral Council, Mr Neris Dias –President SVP were present on the dais. 

Mr Stany Alvares welcomed the guest with Panpod Udak .Mr Neris Dias welcomed the gathering. All the dignitaries inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp. Speaking on the occasion, Rev Fr Gomes  said, in his witty speech praised the “Young Seniors” for their determination and energy even at their golden age, and encouraged them by saying that help is always there for them from his side anytime they need in their activities or their lives, since he has been watching their activities every now and then. “We are celebrating this day out of joy, and happiness.” 

A felicitation programme was held, St Vincent Paul Society (SVP) members honoured Rev Fr Gomes who completed 74 years in Priesthood with a shawl and flower bouquets.

A short introduction about Rev. Fr. Gomes’ birthplace, Shirva Parish. He served as an assistant parish priest in Mondankap, Milagres, and Urwa Parish; as a parish priest in Kelbet, Gantalkatte,aandtMulky;uaskviceVice principal at St Philomena Col in ege-Puttur,  Principal at Sacred Heart College in Madnathyar; and as socious at CODP. At present, he is residing at St. Juze Vas home..

Speaking on the occasion, Parish Priest Fr Andrew said, “I congratulate SVP for organizing this meaningful and blessed day. The senior citizens and children are the main source of happiness in every family. They are pure in heart and clean in minds. At the same time we can count the blessings on our families.

At the end Senior Citizen were honoured. With a flower bouquet & gift they are as follows :

Mr Anthony Lobo-89 years –St Joseph ward

Mr Albert Pinto-88 years-Holy Cross ward

Mrs Melrid Pais-88 Years-Holy Cross ward

Mrs Florine Monthiero-88 Years St Thomas Ward

Mrs Agnes Menezes-88 Years St Paul Ward

Programme  concluded with the fellowship meal.

Rev Fr Andrew D’Souza said grace before the meal. Mr. Ronald Lasrado  impeccably compered the programme. Mr. Naveen Correa delivered the vote of thanks.