Mount Carmel Central School felicitates National Skating Star Jesnia Correa


Mount Carmel Central School, Mangaluru considered it as an honour and privilege to felicitate Jesnia Correa of grade VI on January 13th 2023 for her outstanding achievements on winning two gold medals in 1000mts and 500mts rink race in U-12 category at the CBSE National Roller Skating Championship 2022-23.

The event was hosted by Shalom Hill International School, Gurgaon, Haryana in association with CBSE.

The programme commenced with an expression of praise by teacher Purnima Bolar who acknowledged and applauded the phenomenal potential of Jesnia. She also appreciated the support and hardwork of her parents and brother Jeston. She thanked the coach Mr. Mahesh Kumar of Mangalore Roller Skating Club for tapping the potential of Jesnia and elevating her to bring such laurels.

Further, the Principal Sr Melissa, Administrator Sr. Carissima along with the PTA Vice President Ms Jennifer Fernandes felicitated Jesnia for her accomplishments with a shawl, fruit bowl, garlands and a cash prize. Her Parents, brother and the coach too were recognized.  

As part of recognition of her achievement, a procession was arranged by the school in the vicinity.         The star of the day Jesnia, accompanied with her parents, friends and teachers was taken      around on an open jeep in the vicinity of the school.

Jesnia’s win truly tell us the story of her indomitable passion in the field of skating.