Mangalore Diocese holds “Training of Trainers” for Pastoral Council

MANGALURU, MARCH, 23: The members of the newly constituted Pastoral Council were trained at the diocesan level to be the trainers of Pastoral Council at the deanery and parish level on March 22, 2023 in Shanthi Kiran Pastoral Centre, Bajjodi, Mangalore.

The Diocesan Curia, Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore, Very Rev. Fr Maxim L. Noronha, the Vicar General, Very Rev. Dr Victor George, the Chancellor along with Rev. Dr Joseph Martis, parish priest of Derebail, Rev. Fr Naveen Pinto, Administrator, St Joseph Seminary, Jeppu and Rev. Fr Santhosh Rodrigues organised the Training of Trainers for Pastoral Council.

The five Pastoral Council members from every deanery which included dean of the deanery, two priests and two lay faithful took part in the training session.

In the first session, Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha dwelt upon “What is Church”. He briefly explained the nature of the Church, and its role in building God’s Kingdom on earth.  The Bishop said, “The mission of Jesus Christ is the mission of all chosen in the Church.”

Rev. Fr Naveen Pinto briefly explained “The Hierarchical Structure of the Church”. He said, “The mission of the Lord is carried out in the Church through a hierarchical structure.” He said that the structure in the Church exists to serve and not to govern or rule. Hence, it is a district from democracy.

Rev. Dr Joseph Martis spoke on “Parish and the mission.” He gave a scriptural perspective on the pastor and pastoral ministry. He guided the pastoral council members on how to support the church, collaborate with the parish priest in building a synodal church and show care and concern to all with an attitude of service after the great model of Jesus, the good shepherd.

Along with speakers, Rev. Dr Victor George Dsouza shared his expert knowledge on the subjects discussed and clarified the doubts raised by the pastoral council trainers.

The prayer was led by the priests of Kasargod Deanery. Rev. Fr Santhosh Rodrigues and Rev. Fr Joseph Martis co-ordinated the programme.

Reported By: Fr Anil Ivan Fernandes, Director Canara Communication Centre


Women’s Day was celebrated on March 19, 2023 at the Senate Hall of the Milagres Hall Complex with the theme, ‘Women be inspired, be an Inspiration’.  This event was planned under the leadership of the Parish Priest along with a team of 12 women parishioners.  The session started with a prayer service followed by an innovative inauguration.

     Dr. Audrey Pinto, the co-ordinator of the Dept. of Psychology, Alva’s college, Moodbidri was the guest speaker.  Dr. Audrey Pinto encouraged the audience to think out of the box, with various hands on activities.  She spoke about following your heart, breaking boundaries and making a difference in society.  The guests were welcomed by sprinkling of rose water.  There were interesting spot games, jokes, songs and dances.  There was a gathering of 220 ladies.  Everyone was involved and had an enjoyable evening together.

Dhyanavana, International institute of Spirituality centre, Mysore, celebrated It’s 26th Convocation day

Convocation day on Sunday, March 19th at 6 pm. Archbishop Emeritus Bernard Moras was the chief Guest and conferred the Diplomas and certificates to more than 50 students.
V Rev. Fr George Santhumayor ocd, Provincial, released the Dhyanavana Souvenir.
Mrs. Clara Fernandes, Secretary, Karnataka regional Laity commission, gave the convocation address on “The role of women in the decision making process”.
Besides there were many cultural dances put up by the sisters. The whole program was attended by around 250 priests, religious, friends and benefactors.